Information about the Corona-Virus /Covid-19
Dear guests,
in our hotel, the highest hygiene standards apply. This includes, for example, the provision of hand disinfectants and regular hygiene training for our employees. After the spread of the corona virus also led to new challenges in Germany, we have intensified our hygiene measures again. For example, we have set up additional disinfection centers and tightened the rules of conduct for our employees. In addition, the cleaning and disinfection intervals for particularly sensitive points such as the reception, doorknobs, taps, light switches etc. have been significantly reduced. We keep up to date with the latest information and recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BauA). If the experts arrive at changed assessments, we will react quickly and comprehensively and adapt our operational processes accordingly. You can be sure that compliance with personnel and hand hygiene is our top priority. To date, there is no Corona infection in our hotel and no suspected Corona case. All experts believe that human-to-human transmission takes place. It is therefore believed that the risk of becoming infected is especially high in a hotel. The Bettkästchen Reinbek proves that this does not have to be the case.
Special conditions in the Bettkästchen Reinbek
The centrally located staircase is an escape route. As a result, all rooms to the right and left of the staircase are provided with a fire door. Therefore, personal encounters with other guests and staff can be largely avoided. There are a maximum of three rooms behind a common fire door. The hotel thus has the structure of an apartment building. The women’s and men’s toilets are located directly behind the reception, so it is possible for every guest to wash their hands immediately after entering the house, which the WHO considers to be sufficient. Disinfectants are of course available in the toilets and in sufficient quantities.
Cleaning and Desinfection

When cleaning and disinfecting in the hotel, our employees pay particular attention to door handles, light switches, taps and all other areas that are touched by many people. Here we clean and disinfect particularly often.

The Federal Center for Health Education advises: Shake hands and avoid hugs better. This is not rude, but an effective protection against the transmission of colds and other viruses.
Personal Hygiene

You protect yourself and others by washing your hands regularly and using disinfectants.
Sneeze and Cough
Please keep a distance of one to two meters from other people. Don’t sneeze or cough in your hand, but in the crook of your arm.
The Bettkästchen Reinbek wishes you a safe and pleasant stay.
Please stay healthy!
Suleiman Itminan